Forum mondial contre le terrorisme
27 Juin 2017 , Rédigé par Ipsus Publié dans #INFORMATIQUE -Web
Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism :
vient "formaliser et structurer les axes de collaboration existants ou à venir entre Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter et YouTube ", précise un communiqué commun.
Cette initiative intervient alors que les Etats-Unis et la Commission européenne, entre autres, ont multiplié les appels ces derniers mois pour que les réseaux sociaux intensifient leur lutte contre la propagande jihadiste.
Des géants d'internet créent un Forum mondial contre le terrorisme
Média suisse fondé en 1997 - Toute l'information en temps réel
Facebook, Microsoft, YouTube and Twitter form Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
Today Facebook, Microsoft, YouTube and Twitter collectively announced a new partnership aimed at reducing the accessibility of internet services to terrorists. The new Global Internet Forum to ...
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Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter And YouTube Collaborate To Fight Terrorism
Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and Google's YouTube today announced a Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism. Calling the spread of terrorism and violent extremism "a critical challenge for us ...
Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism
Today, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube are announcing the formation of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism, which will help us continue to make our hosted consumer services ...
Today, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube are announcing the formation of the Global Internet Forum to Counter Terrorism , which will help us continue to make our hosted consumer services ...
The following announcement was jointly written by Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Microsoft and posted to our respective online properties. Today, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter and YouTube are ...
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